Dmitry Zavilgelskiy THE EDGE OF BEING
1: 00:01:00:21 00:01:03:21
OLS Film Studio

2: 00:01:28:15 00:01:31:20
I remember my mother saying

3: 00:01:32:04 00:01:35:23
there was that old man with the
book, he could predict things.

4: 00:01:36:07 00:01:38:11
He said, the red rooster
would win that war.

5: 00:01:38:19 00:01:44:12
He said that was no war, the
real war would be coming.

6: 00:01:45:00 00:01:48:05
Everyone would be up and
fighting each other.

7: 00:01:48:11 00:01:54:11
Birds of steel will fly, and
horses of steel will walk.

8: 00:01:55:12 00:01:58:16
The water would boil, and the
earth would burn.

9: 00:01:59:00 00:02:02:20
The atom makes things burn
and makes water boil.

10: 00:02:03:05 00:02:06:20
What the man invented will be
his own undoing.

11: 00:02:07:13 00:02:10:13

12: 00:02:49:13 00:02:51:03

13: 00:02:51:11 00:02:54:07
- Warm-up one!
- Done!

14: 00:02:54:15 00:02:58:23
- The preliminary one!
- The main one, up!

15: 00:03:00:23 00:03:02:13
The ascent contact done!

16: 00:03:20:00 00:03:23:14
We have a small village, I've
left it a long time ago.

17: 00:03:23:19 00:03:26:12
Our house in Ugorye is
about 100 years old.

18: 00:03:26:20 00:03:30:00
In winter our house is orphaned
and no-one lives there.

19: 00:03:30:08 00:03:33:00
But as it gets warmer
we all come to it.

20: 00:03:33:14 00:03:36:14
Hello, our dear house, here
we are again.

21: 00:03:36:22 00:03:40:00
We have come to you again,
to see how you've been.

22: 00:03:40:15 00:03:43:15
You're all alone here, with
only the wind sweeping you.

23: 00:03:44:01 00:03:46:08
Oh the winds were great but
you stood fast.

24: 00:03:46:16 00:03:50:07
The storms shook you
tearing your roof off.

25: 00:03:50:15 00:03:54:07
Yet you were standing proud
taking the rage of the storm.

26: 00:03:56:10 00:04:01:00
In Bereznyak 7 km away there
was no storm but we had it.

27: 00:04:01:08 00:04:05:00
When the hurricane hit...

28: 00:04:05:08 00:04:09:08
it lifted the cauldron over
there and threw it away.

29: 00:04:10:20 00:04:13:20
It overturned our mill,
and the Mukhins had their

30: 00:04:14:04 00:04:17:16
shingles carried off the roof

31: 00:04:18:00 00:04:20:19
and driven to the ground.

32: 00:04:20:20 00:04:25:12
The Anna Stepanovna's porch
was all askew.

33: 00:04:27:10 00:04:30:10
Gennady was working
in Bereznyak and he said

34: 00:04:30:18 00:04:34:20
someone relocated a hut
there. Who could do it?

35: 00:04:35:04 00:04:38:04
But the church was intact.

36: 00:04:41:18 00:04:45:10
That's how we live, godforsaken,

37: 00:04:45:18 00:04:49:17
and no-one cares if we die
today or tomorrow. Because the

38: 00:04:51:01 00:04:54:05
density of population here is
1 person per 1 sq km.

39: 00:04:55:06 00:04:58:00
The pressure in the 1st
ignition camera is OK.

40: 00:04:58:22 00:05:02:13
The flight is normal,
the 1st stage is off.

41: 00:05:04:07 00:05:06:14
The 2nd stage is off.

42: 00:05:35:12 00:05:39:00
It's not a secret that the
Mezen district

43: 00:05:39:08 00:05:42:21
is the area of the rocket
stages landing.

44: 00:05:43:00 00:05:45:22
The districts of Myafta,
Maseyevo and Lashukovsky

45: 00:05:46:06 00:05:52:06
border are impregnable for
the human eyes.

46: 00:05:54:15 00:06:01:12
Everything's hidden in the
forest and along the rivers.

47: 00:07:35:03 00:07:38:24
So we're looking for that metal
in the swamps, those rocket

48: 00:07:40:00 00:07:44:10
stages, bring here and saw them.

49: 00:07:47:02 00:07:50:10
We use the prime mover
for transport. People

50: 00:07:59:02 00:08:04:09
make moulds, big and small.

51: 00:08:05:21 00:08:09:03
Mostly they make big ones now.

52: 00:08:10:20 00:08:15:03
This is my second one, I like
it better than the wood.

53: 00:08:16:01 00:08:18:18
The wooden one gets soggy
and heavier. But this one

54: 00:08:19:02 00:08:23:05
doesn't rot and it will serve me
for the rest of my life.

55: 00:08:47:15 00:08:51:15
I used to make shovels,
30 or so, for sale.

56: 00:08:53:03 00:08:55:21
They're stable, don't rust
and don't break.

57: 00:08:57:00 00:09:01:11
Before the men used to hunt

58: 00:09:01:19 00:09:04:05
but now they hunt metal.

59: 00:09:04:13 00:09:08:02
When they knew that the metal
may be good and they take it

60: 00:09:08:10 00:09:11:10
a lot for scrap, many people

61: 00:09:11:18 00:09:17:18
went for the whole rockets.

62: 00:09:52:05 00:09:55:16
9, 25 seconds...

63: 00:09:57:08 00:10:01:16
30 seconds, the flight
is normal.

64: 00:10:34:18 00:10:38:12
In this village they take us
for some dunces. We don't

65: 00:10:39:00 00:10:42:08
make any money, chasing
those rockets. So stupid,

66: 00:10:42:16 00:10:47:18
they fool us, but we go and
work anyway, like damned fools.

67: 00:10:48:22 00:10:51:06
They just promise us good life,

68: 00:10:51:14 00:10:54:17
but we don't have neither money
nor shit.

69: 00:10:55:01 00:10:58:13
So we live here like... But
what can we do?

70: 00:10:58:21 00:11:03:02
Good thing we have this work.
We've got to survive here.

71: 00:11:03:10 00:11:07:11
And it's interesting. Sometimes
you think, to hell with money.

72: 00:11:08:13 00:11:13:17
Our wives nag, for we're away
for the winter with no gain.

73: 00:11:14:01 00:11:20:01
But as you hit the woods it's
so beautiful there

74: 00:11:20:08 00:11:24:00
that you don't need any money.

75: 00:11:27:00 00:11:30:15
There are strange and weird
things in the woods, too.

76: 00:11:30:23 00:11:36:15
We were in the lodge at night
and heard some unknown noise.

77: 00:11:36:23 00:11:41:08
There was a broad daylight
outside, with some humming.

78: 00:11:41:16 00:11:43:19
Like something landing near.

79: 00:11:44:03 00:11:47:03
It was over in 15 minutes. In

80: 00:11:47:05 00:11:51:20
the morning we went out to see.

81: 00:11:52:04 00:11:55:10
And we had a hut standing there.

82: 00:11:55:18 00:11:58:10
We saw those tracks in the bog.

83: 00:11:58:12 00:12:03:10
I have pretty big boots myself,
to get more warmth in winter.

84: 00:12:03:18 00:12:09:12
So I compared them, and those
tracks were that much bigger.

85: 00:12:10:20 00:12:14:10
There are no feet like these
in the neighborhood.

86: 00:12:15:11 00:12:19:00
I still don't know what it was.
But it was terrifying.

87: 00:12:19:08 00:12:22:20
Even dogs were keeping close
to people.

88: 00:12:23:04 00:12:26:00
There was nothing there, only
that wild fear.

89: 00:12:26:08 00:12:30:20
Sometimes you feel it when
hunting. You don't have any

90: 00:12:32:02 00:12:38:02
right to be afraid, but you are.

91: 00:12:45:08 00:12:50:04
Millions of years ago
Or at least they say so

92: 00:12:51:00 00:12:54:24
Some huge beasts there lived
Eating grass and each other

93: 00:12:55:20 00:12:59:20
There were roaring and moaning
Like you cannot describe

94: 00:13:00:04 00:13:04:21
So the mother nature thought
That she'd created some freaks

95: 00:13:05:05 00:13:10:15
So small animals came into being
With furry tails and small ears

96: 00:13:11:00 00:13:15:10
It was a bad time to be equal
When those hairy elephants

97: 00:13:15:18 00:13:20:24
Marched across the plains, and
All small animals cried out

98: 00:13:21:20 00:13:26:08
'They will squash us to death!
What've you done, mother?'

99: 00:13:27:02 00:13:31:17
But a named human appeared who
Was the conqueror of elephants

100: 00:13:32:01 00:13:36:07
And in some millennia he
Destroyed all those mammoths

101: 00:13:36:16 00:13:41:14
So the nature thought again that
The experiment'd gone haywire

102: 00:13:42:10 00:13:46:16
Enough of that foolishness
Let them live like they do

103: 00:13:47:00 00:13:51:12
So the nature let them be and
Hasn't interfered since.

104: 00:13:51:20 00:13:56:04
It's the man destroys all living
Things now, with no rest.

105: 00:13:56:16 00:14:01:18
And the mother nature's still
thinking about experiment N 3.

106: 00:14:45:22 00:14:50:00
We were ready for bed when
Anatoly knocked, saying

107: 00:14:50:09 00:14:55:17
'Look at the sky!' So we ran out

108: 00:14:56:10 00:15:03:00
to look and there was that
glittering ellipse there.

109: 00:15:05:02 00:15:08:02
I remember 3 circles in it,

110: 00:15:09:18 00:15:14:20
dark ones, with the light
around them.

111: 00:15:17:19 00:15:21:16
It just stood there for a long
time and then drifted westward.

112: 00:15:21:24 00:15:26:21
Pelagea told us in the morning
there was a launch in Plesetsk.

113: 00:15:27:05 00:15:31:15
Maybe it was some reflection,
we don't know.

114: 00:16:11:15 00:16:16:01
I frequently go fishing in
small rivers here, and I

115: 00:16:16:09 00:16:18:20
see a lot of unpredictable

116: 00:16:19:11 00:16:26:20
We went down the river once
with my son, 25 km to go, and

117: 00:16:28:10 00:16:34:00
suddenly saw a fiery ball,

118: 00:16:34:18 00:16:37:04
like an electric bulb, and

119: 00:16:37:19 00:16:42:14
chased us for 20 km to the
estuary, in a parallel line.

120: 00:16:43:03 00:16:46:03
We never knew what it was.

121: 00:16:46:22 00:16:53:02
Maybe some aliens, but we'd
never seen such things before.

122: 00:16:53:10 00:16:59:08
We were afraid at first but
then got used to it.

123: 00:17:06:08 00:17:11:13
The edge of being is a fucking shit
I hope God'll forgive our misdemeanors

124: 00:17:12:08 00:17:18:15
For everything'll pass and will be writ-
Ten off. Even the stars'll be like sinners

125: 00:17:21:22 00:17:26:12
The human life is not worth living, Lord
We all shall die and everything will die

126: 00:17:27:01 00:17:30:10
Only the universe is
deathless in this world

127: 00:17:35:20 00:17:38:20
And will continue to the end of time

128: 00:17:40:13 00:17:44:17
The rocket stages are the parts
of the nearby universe.

129: 00:17:45:01 00:17:49:10
And the great cosmos is the
infinity of the universe.

130: 00:17:49:18 00:17:53:13
Who knows what can fly from it.

131: 00:17:54:16 00:18:00:01
There might be life somewhere.
And we might not be alone here.

132: 00:18:06:06 00:18:10:16
40 seconds of flight,
cohesion's stable.

133: 00:18:10:18 00:18:13:14
The flight is normal.

135: 00:18:50:04 00:18:54:20
We were away for the day, and
found a whole rocket in the bog.

136: 00:18:55:04 00:18:58:23
So we sat to eat right on it.

137: 00:18:59:07 00:19:04:07
Then we saw a mouse running to
that rocket. We got interested

138: 00:19:04:15 00:19:10:15
as we drank our tea, as it
cavorted in the snow. Then

139: 00:19:11:00 00:19:14:20
it ran out of the rocket,
squeaking, ran for 5 m and

140: 00:19:16:14 00:19:21:04
wham! it went down, dead.

141: 00:19:21:12 00:19:27:04
So we thought we might be dead as
well, sitting on it like this.

142: 00:19:27:12 00:19:34:09
We had one man dead in an hour,
and he prophesied death to all

143: 00:19:34:17 00:19:37:02
of us. But why should I die?

144: 00:19:37:10 00:19:40:05
And you won't live any longer.

145: 00:19:41:06 00:19:45:04
I'm 45 as I am. You
try to live to my age.

146: 00:19:45:12 00:19:48:14
I'm 38, and I'm not going to
be 40, why should I?

147: 00:19:49:12 00:19:53:08
My wife is normal, I have kids,
what else do I need?

148: 00:19:53:16 00:19:57:15
I'm not afraid of death, there's
no death for me in that.

149: 00:22:08:10 00:22:11:10
Comrade colonel, the movable
launching pad with the

150: 00:22:11:18 00:22:17:24
Cyclone missile is ready for
the launch.

151: 00:22:18:08 00:22:20:24
Prepare for transportation.

152: 00:22:21:16 00:22:23:24
- Crew, bear for action!
- Yes, sir.

153: 00:23:22:11 00:23:25:01
Switch to the tail supply done!

154: 00:23:25:13 00:23:29:13
The platform's not at the
starting point.

155: 00:23:30:24 00:23:35:13
After the switch to the
on-board supply...

156: 00:23:35:16 00:23:39:16
- 456!
- 456 here.

157: 00:23:40:12 00:23:46:16
Continue situation estimate.
Give me the tech solution.

158: 00:23:46:24 00:23:50:08
Tank venting done. The 1st and
2nd stages' fuel is...

159: 00:23:50:20 00:23:52:21
Out of the limit.

160: 00:23:53:23 00:23:56:22
940! Out of limit.

161: 00:24:00:22 00:24:03:18
Suggesting the stop command.

162: 00:24:04:02 00:24:08:19
Colonel Atashevsky, command
to stop to the 861.

163: 00:24:09:03 00:24:13:14
- Yes, sir.
- Report your suggestions.

164: 00:24:18:04 00:24:24:11
It is so sad for our little
planet, so boring.

165: 00:24:29:10 00:24:33:23
We're hustling through life,
you record something there.

166: 00:24:34:07 00:24:41:19
What's the meaning of all that?
Like it flies down, and there's

167: 00:24:42:10 00:24:46:14
no more this little planet in
this small solar system

168: 00:24:47:00 00:24:52:14
that's been turning round the
galaxy's center for 150 million

169: 00:24:52:22 00:24:57:15
years. God knows.
This is so frightening, Dima.

170: 00:25:36:15 00:25:41:16
Starring the citizens of Pogorelets
village, Archangel Province

171: 00:25:42:00 00:25:44:07
Valery Ruzhnikov, Anatoly
Tarakanov and others

172: 00:25:45:00 00:25:47:20
Written by Dmitry Zavilgelsky
and Maria Saprykina

173: 00:25:48:23 00:25:51:19
Directed by Dmitry Zavilgelsky

174: 00:25:52:18 00:25:54:20
Director of Photography
Alexander Vdovin

175: 00:25:55:07 00:25:

Hosted by uCoz