Where do I come from like that Dmitry Zavilgelskiy
1. Into the depth of Russia thematic still frame used for TV broadcasts of the movie.
2. Caption with Rousseaus Zeppelins in the background. Fragment. Where do I come from like that
3. The hero is going to leave.
4. With a fragment of Rousseaus picture of walking people in the background, captions appear and the authors voice says: On the last Thursday of each month Victor Shafeyev Marin attends the Tatiana club at Hanzhonkovs House to listen to jazz performances.
5. Episode club members are arriving, (great each other, rehearse, talk to each other).
6. Fragments of Rousseaus Quartet.
7. Hero on stage. Synch: I will sing a few of my songs and can even read my first poem. My teachers are not ashamed of me because I really didnt let them down I vanquished my Self. I can even be proud of it.
I dont read books,
I only read my poems,
They are dearer to me than my life.
I express in them my nature.
How birds build their nests
Ive seen
Time flies
And once Zina and I shuddered
Years melt like ice...
And this song is semi-my biography - Where do I come from like that
Where do I come from like that
Where do I come from like that
Where do I come from like that
Like that
Where do I come from like that
Where do I come from
like that
Ill sing for you now where I come from like that
I was born in Anino
I was born in Anino
And I grew up in Vilar
And we lived at Aunt Tanyas
And we lived at aunt Manyas
And we lived at aunt Ganyas
In Anino
Thats where I come from like that
Thats where I come from like that
Im from there from the village of Anino
Im from there Im from there
Im from there Im from there
Im from the 20th kilometer of Warsaw highway
Im from there Im from there
Im from there Im from there
Im from the 20th kilometer of Warsaw highway
There I finished school
My teachers liked me
Then I went to Moscow to work
In Moscow I got married
And began drinking like a pig
Life went on like that for 30 years or so.
When perestroyka began I left Moscow
When perestroyka began I left Moscow
Went to the Moscow region
And built a little cottage
And started to work there
And here Im now
And here Im now
And here Im now
And built a little cottage
And started to work there
And here Im now
And here Im now
And here Im now!
Where do I come from like that
Where do I come from like that
Im from there from the village of Anino
Im from there Im from there
Im from there Im from there
Im from the 20th kilometer of Warsaw highway
Im from there Im from there
Im from there Im from there
Im from the 20th kilometer of Warsaw highway
8. Applause, then a momentary pause in sound. Fragment of Rousseaus picture Still life
9. Synch. Interview with the hero.
Author: Victor, I see you for the first time. I liked your performance and I want to make a film about you.
Hero: OK, I dont need any royalties because I vanquished money and besides, for me personally, I have already vanquished everything
10. The concert goes on. An old lady is singing a Russian folk song.
Weve got money, what else do we need?
You and I are all right!
11. Synch. Interview with the hero.
Hero: I used to drink heavily and even went to hell a few times. I swear Im familiar with hell.
Author: How is it there?
Hero: Its like on TV today: all those hideous faces.
Author: You saw these hideous faces?
Hero: Sure.
A: And what about devils?
H: Them too. And all kinds of them: big ones with little horns and with large horns Even my daughter asks: Why do they all hallucinate about devils? And that I cannot explain to you.
12. The show goes on. One of the participants sings an opera piece in Italian.
13. Interview goes on.
H: I would lie down and start going to sleep and the devil says: Ah, hes drifting off now. But I would smile and even get up to go to the mirror and look yes, Ive got a smiling face.
14. The show goes on. A Pushkins poem.
You are still dozing, my beautiful friend
Its time, my beauty, wake up,
Open your tender eyes
Meet the Northern Aurora
As a Northern Star!
15. Interview goes on.
H: I have been to Kashchenko twice, to Polivanovo once, twice to Stolbovaya, (the list of psychiatric asylums and alcoholism treatment centers goes on) at least four months each time.
16. The concert goes on. Fashion show.
17. The interview goes on.
H: I even have a song about it. Its self-explanatory:
Ive been listed as an alcoholic for 20 years
Four of them I spent in treatment
And maybe never would have quit
If I hadnt loved my grandkids.
Once I thought: what will I leave them?
Then I decided to stop drinking
So they love their Grandpa since their childhood
I decided to bring them up
And live with them as a family
Not to be remembered shamefully
So lets sort things out, folks
So that our Grandkids should always be happy
And drugs never touch them
As well as the mistakes of our shame!
18. The hero with his family at home. The last chord of the song.
19. Fragment of Rousseaus Papa Juliets Cart
20. The heros wife tells about him.
Wife: What can I say? Hospitals, doctors, and then drinking again. Thirty years passed like that. Whenever he leaves to hospital for the next three-four months, I invite my girlfriends from work. And we drink and have nice time. But when he moved in here everything straightened out. Whats there to do here in winter? Burn the wood in the stove and write.
Author: Will Shafeyev leave a heritage in art?
W: I think yes. I guess every generation has its own art. Now everything is so political but in Pushkins times a lot of people wrote poems.
A: and what is your favorite song by Victor?
W: Hes got so many Probably Wooden Cottage
A: And why is it your favorite one?
(Fragment of Rousseaus Snowy Landscape)
Shafeyev: Because its the very first. I have a neighbor, a retired colonel, he was in the first team of cosmonauts and he knew Gagarin personally. When he heard this song he said: What a song! Its real stuff.
The author and the cameraman voice over: Ready, start singing
21. Song Wooden Cottage
Playing a lottery I found my luck
And built me a cottage
Wooden cottage Wooden cottage
Wooden cottage I built.
Wooden cottage Wooden cottage
Wooden cottage I built.
Wooden cottage Wooden cottage
Wooden cottage I built.
Bought a stove to heat it
To heat it not to get sick
Wooden cottage Wooden cottage
To heat it and not to get sick
Wooden cottage Wooden cottage
To heat it and not to get sick
Sometimes Petrovich would drop by
To sit around and to drink
Wooden cottage Wooden cottage
To sit around and to drink
He and I would talk about our lives
And how to patch up his cottage
Wooden cottage Wooden cottage
But with a glass terrace
Wooden cottage Wooden cottage
But with a glass terrace
To patch it up
So we decided to immediately patch it up
Wooden cottage Wooden cottage
But with a glass terrace
So Petrovich would live there with no problems
In a wooden cottage Wooden cottage
But with a glass terrace
Petrovich would live with no problems.
He and I became good friends
And always shared everything
So that there be eternal peace
Between us
And in a wooden cottage, in a wooden cottage
In a wooden cottage youre an idol.
And in a wooden cottage, in a wooden cottage
In a wooden cottage youre an idol.
22. Fragment of Rousseaus painting Fisherman.
23. Interview with the hero.
H: I cannot have my works published because in order to be published one needs to find a sponsor, and I dont have neither money nor documents. And as I dont have no documents I dont have any access to anything. Well, for example, I visit Hanzhonkovs House (Tatiana invites me) and I dont need either money or documents for this. The only problem is when the police stop me and ask for my papers and I dont have them.
A: And where are your documents?
H: I burned them.
A: Why?
H: Cause I realized that those documents are a great burden for the mankind.
24. Synch. Off-screen:
H: Personally I need nothing. Everything I grow at my kitchen garden, I have all. Rabbits, I can exchange meat; hens provide feathers, I can make a pillow and sell it, or exchange it for what I need. Right now I need only the most necessary minimum.
25. Rousseaus Sleeping Gypsy panning upwards to the starry sky. Heros song VO:
I vanquished my Self
My family is the World and the Planet
Wife, sister, mother, grandkids, daughter
And children of my youth somewhere
26. Synch interview with the hero.
H:What I speak brings people healing and good and I can hear the results of my songs, poems, prose. Ive got this one song Once they talked on TV about the sky and those black holes it has. I decided to write a song about them and that I want to patch them up with my soul. Physically, I cant reach them but in my mind I can go anywhere. I wrote good lyrics and felt empty inside. I say to Zina: You know, I patched up holes in the sky and emptied myself. Call the meteostation and ask someone who does astrology and watches those ozone holes and if they counted them, then I probably patched up ten or more. And then I sing this song again and again
27. Hero VO. He recites his white (unrhymed) verses to the music: Treatment through the Cosmos. It will be a semi-song: Vocalists, instrumentalists, serious, hoarse, shaggy, talents, stars and artists, the tough guys, but Im refined. Searchers for space and adventure, dollar and rouble, but I search for the meaning of life, and it seems that I havent had to search too long. No sooner had I immersed in Nature, than I began to mature, Im not a burden for the society, I wont litter your brain. Im neither Liliana nor Dorofeyev, I treat everybody through the Cosmos for free, Im a contemporary, Ive got a natural gift, I understood life and want no money. I vanquished my Self and felt better. Theres so much joy and work in keeping a household and domestic animals. Thats why my life is trouble-free. Whatever Im given by the nature is enough for me. A generation will rise from my seed.
Starting the other side of the cassette Id like to say a few words about myself. I have been living for seven years near the Space Center and under the cover of Cosmos my creative ability is constantly growing.
28. Rousseaus painting Zeppelins
29. Spaceship ready for take-off.
30. In the ship. Interview with the hero.
A: Well, Victor, you want to fly to space?
H: with great pleasure. Without saying good-bye either to relatives or friends. I have arrived here at the shooting site and lets go like Gagarin. (Cameraman VO: Lower your hand!) He was a pioneer and I became a conqueror of my Self. Its also a success, even a greater one, because to conquer vices, to understand life and destiny is a great thing.
31. Launching of the spaceship. Death of the hero.
32. Rousseaus self-portrait. Captions voiced by the author with the picture in the background. . The only place where the artist could exhibit his works was the Saloon of the Independent because its doors were open for everybody. Its there that fame came to him in the form of crazed laughter of the crowd. The public stormed exhibitions, breaking furniture in their way, just to see his works. The papers wrote: Fortunately Mr. Rousseau is here to amuse us.
Now Rousseaus paintings are displayed in the greatest art galleries of the world.

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