И откуда я такой
Русский "Даос" Виктор Шафеев лечит всех через Космос На вечере в "Доме Ханжонкина" -То, что показывают по телевидению этих "квазимод", всё это есть в параллельном мире! И откуда я такой... Перед "космическим полётом"

И откуда я такой

документальный фильм

Герой фильма Виктор Шафеев - милый чудак, поэт, бард. Он бросил городскую жизнь и построил домик под Москвой, около платформы Циолковская, рядом со Звездным городком. Его "домик деревянный" - это слепленная из разных подручных материалов хибара. Тем не менее, там летом с ним живет жена Зина, приезжает дочка с пятью внуками. Близкие серьезно относятся к творчеству Виктора, поддерживают его: "Уж лучше пусть поет, чем пьет",- говорит Зина.
Виктор Шафеев в прошлой своей жизни был обыкновенным алкашом.
Но прошло .время, и Виктор
"Под зрелость много понял - завязал, Страшно вспомнить: без сознания валялся... "-- так он пишет о своем решении.
Понял Виктор и то, что он человек не простой, а "победивший себя в себе", что может своей собственной душой латать озоновые дыры, что его песенные тексты наделены неким мистическим свойством, и что он - "Человек -легенда".
Оператор Андрей Абдракипов

Where do I come from like that…
Documentary film

The movie’s main character – Victor Shafeyev – is a peculiar fellow, a poet and a bard. He built a cottage in a suburb of Moscow and abandoned city life. His “wooden cottage” is made of scrap materials, like the houses on water in poor Hong Kong neighborhoods. Nevertheless, his wife, Zina, and his daughter with five grandkids live there in the summer. His relatives take Shafeyev’s art seriously, encourage him. “Better singing and thinking than boozing and drinking”- says Zina.
Shafeyev also realized that he’s a special person vanquished his Self who can patch up ozone holes with his soul; that his songs possess some mystical meaning; that he’s a legend.
Once a month Shafeyev attends Hanzhonkov’s House. Where he meets people who share his artistic spirit. Some of them are escapees because of their age, others because their longing to speak from the stage, to be singers or actors forever remained just a longing, never developed into a profession.
Almost everybody’s first reaction to what goes on in the House is just laughter. On the other hand one could admire the members of the House – instead of loosing their personality completely and becoming angry in these hostile times, they created their own little world, the club, where each of them can confidently walk out onto the stage (voice and ear are not necessary) and perform in front of each other.
Despite all of his peculiarities Shafeyev is a person who awoke from a long sleep. He dropped his thirty-year-old drinking habit, started breeding hens and rabbits; he helps in bringing up his grandchildren and tries to comprehend his existence.
Of course, this exploration of Self is in a caricature form, but let’s remember a famous artist, A. Rousseau, “the Customs Officer”. The only place where the artist could exhibit his works was the “Saloon of the Independent” because its doors were open for everybody. It’s there that fame came to him in the form of crazed laughter of the crowd. The public stormed exhibitions, breaking furniture in their way, just to see his works. The papers wrote: “Fortunately Mr. Rousseau is here to amuse us.”
Rousseau’s paintings match Shafeyev’s songs in style and the master himself, according to those who knew him, was a bit strange. The movie doesn’t draw an analogy between the talent of Shafeyev and Rousseau, but between their styles of life. Rousseau’s art emphasizes the editing, expressive and dramatic treatment of the movie in the style of primitivism.
At the end of the movie the hero goes to the outer space. But after the launch his rocket blows up and he “dies”. Having created his own world, and completely living in it, Shafeyev cannot exist in the society. He has done a lot: stopped drinking and smoking, he’s self-sufficient but his ambition to be a guru, his link with the Cosmos are laughable and silly. This demise is serious and his “virtual death” is too – in actuality the author used the Challenger chronicle, and there is a great tragedy in it.
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